Thread: Ping: Jill
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Janet Janet is offline
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Default Ping: Jill

In article >, gravesend10 says...
> Gary wrote:
> >Cindy Hamilton wrote:
> >> cshenk wrote:
> >> > Cindy Hamilton wrote:
> >>
> >> She doesn't work 40 hours a week at housecleaning. I believe
> >> her other job is as a waitress.

> >
> >A waitress can make a ton of money per hour or very little.
> >That depends on the restaurant.
> >
> >> > If it helps, it's 8$ an hour here.
> >>
> >> Nobody's going to come to my house for $16 or $24 every other
> >> week to clean the whole house.

> >
> >Carol is wrong there. I live in her city and work for many people
> >that hire house cleaners. Some come once a week, other situations
> >they come 2-3 times a week.
> >
> >None that I know work for $8/hour.
> >
> >I generally see about $50 cash left on the counter for their person to
> >come and spend 2-3 hours.

> How do you know that $50 is for 2-3 hours work, are you assuming or do
> you actually know. From what I know from people who clean houses they
> wouldn't take a 2-3 hour job, that cuts into their day so they
> couldn't give someone a full eight hours and they are not going to
> travel for a couple three hours work.... and besides one can't do much
> cleaning in 2-3 hours,

? it doesn't take 8 hours to clean a well run modern home.

I clean my own
> house and I know it takes me six hours just to vacuum, and I don't
> have any carpeting,

what were you doing, snorting up dust like cocaine?

> I was believing your story until I read about the $50 cash out on the
> counter. What nincompoop would "generally" leave $50 cash out on a
> counter where anyone could pick it up,

eh? someone who knows exactly who has access to her house. I invariably
left the cleaner's pay in the house for her to pick up.

Janet UK