Thread: Happy New Year
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Gregory Morrow[_418_] Gregory Morrow[_418_] is offline
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Posts: 198
Default Happy New Year

Nancy Young wrote:

> On 1/1/2016 4:22 AM, Leonard Blaisdell wrote:
> > Way too fancy! I cook everything for Thanksgiving and Christmas. New
> > Years is low key junk food. We are having these today and tomorrow.
> >
> > 1. assorted sliced vegetables with Hidden Valley powdered buttermilk
> > ranch dressing and what you have to do to make it.
> > 2. home made meatballs and factory made little smokies simmered in a
> > slow cooker barbecue sauce recipe.
> > 3. deviled eggs, sixteen halves.
> > 4. Chung's pork egg rolls [frozen], but baked when we eat them if
> > needed.
> > 5. T.G.I. Friday's [frozen] stuffed jalapeņo poppers but deep fried
> > when we eat them if needed.

> OMG, I wasn't about to post what we had for dinner. We had
> decided just to have something easy, we just weren't in the mood
> for making anything. We already had frozen tempura shrimp from
> Costco, and while we were at the store, I had been looking for
> Japanese vegetables and all I came up with was broccoli teriyaki,
> and Ron bought frozen rice pilaf.

Playing "tourist" today, a friend is treating me (for my birthday) to the new Star Wars film at the IMAX thee - ater at Navy Pier here in Chicago. "Where to eat?", he asked. All the restos are very touristy, so I said "Bubba Gump!". When I was a kid I always had fried shrimp for my b-day (out of a box, natch), so "the tradition continues". It's a tourist trap for sure, but it will be fun playing "tourist", lol...

> We laughed when we served it up. Today, it will be pot roast.
> Homemade.
> > I see that we are already into tomorrow, so Happy New Year everyone!

> You too, Leo, best wishes for 2016.
> Got to start practicing writing the new year on checks, not that
> I write many any more thanks to online banking.

Was in the grocery line the other day, and someone was actually writing a *check*! They were middle - aged, not "old" ;-) Something I hadn't seen for ages, it seemed positively "antique" (although I'm "old", I haven't written a check for years).

Happy New Year to y'all, Nancy, you are another one of the "select few" posters who keeps me reading this group :-)
