Thread: Ping: Jill
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cshenk cshenk is offline
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Default Ping: Jill

Cindy Hamilton wrote in

> On Thursday, December 31, 2015 at 11:33:53 AM UTC-5, Lucha Libre!
> wrote:
> > Cindy Hamilton wrote:
> > > Nobody's going to come to my house for $16 or $24 every other
> > > week to clean the whole house.
> > >

> >
> > Uh, has the minimum wage been jacked to infinity and beyond in Ann
> > Arbor?
> >
> > Please...

> No, it hasn't.
> Here's some data:
> <>
> I have three bedrooms, one bath. This cleaner would charge
> me $110. The $80 that I pay is a bargain.
> Not many cleaners quote their rates online. Guy at work
> pays more than I do, but he's got a bigger house.
> Cindy Hamilton

Ok. Might be reasonable for there. Here we have a huge pool of
military spouses with the other spouse randomly deployed for months on
end. It's common to see 3-4 band together with one watching kids while
the other 2 do simple cleaning nearby. We used a set for move out/move
in cleaning around our Japan years. We paid 9$ an hour each for move
out because the gear and supplies were gone or shipped and on return we
paid 7$ an hour per person and provided all supplies.

You just have to know who to ask in a given area and they will all be

Yard care works like that here too. If you get a couple of neighbors
in a row (or really near by) you can get a guy or gal to cut the grass
once a week for 20$ but then these are small yards and we aren't
talking trimming work and the grass is let lay as natural mulch. Price
goes up if they have to travel between sites.

Ohh, memory lane. 1997-2000. Lady with a riding lawnmower. Lived on
the street behind me. 10$ for the average yard (front and back) and no
bitching about not being able to handle any close work to trees or
unlevel spots and such. 8am Saturday she'd be at the corner lot of my
street and you'd go down to get on the list. 20-30 minutes per house.
If you had a gas can and she needed some, you'd get current price off
your cutting. All cash. Would work out as 20-25$ an hour. Sadly, they
made a military move elsewhere.
