Ping: Jill
On Fri, 01 Jan 2016 12:24:57 -0600, "cshenk" > wrote:
>Yard care works like that here too. If you get a couple of neighbors
>in a row (or really near by) you can get a guy or gal to cut the grass
>once a week for 20$ but then these are small yards and we aren't
>talking trimming work and the grass is let lay as natural mulch. Price
>goes up if they have to travel between sites.
Yeah, and they are not reporting their income either. So there goes
tax money to support programs that are needed. Plus, by looking for
the cheapest labor you are forcing others to work for less in order to
be able to live and get work. Again less taxes paid. Then the
conservatives complain about all the fat asses that sit around and
collect government support when in actual fact people can't make
enough money to be able to afford to go out and work.
Janet US