He went to Jared!
Sqwertz wrote:
> "I Guarantee It".
Gregory Morrow
Posts: 2504 Find Posts
Threads: 132 Find Threads8 years ago
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Poor Steve had to move from the Bay Area to the backwoods of Austin
TX, guess he's pretty bored with his life...
Does anyone know the frequency of his posts before he moved to Austin? A
very high frequency of posting is frequently, but not always, associated
with a sense that life has lost its meaning, loneliness, a lost of
self-esteem, a feeling of being a loser, and so on, in addition to simple
A lot of pretty "accomplished" folks post a lot on Usenet, it's a
hobby like any other...some folks like sports, some like to watch old
movies, some like to exercise, some like posting to Usenet. It's
recreational, for the most part...
Steve has posted (of course he doesn't archive his posts, so someone
can correct me if I'm wrong) that not only is he unemployed, but that
he likes trolling. He's also stated that he's a heavy drinker, so....
Nothing wrong with any of this, but this latest "100 Top RFC Posters"
is simply another of his elaborate trolls, meant to reign in the
He also once stated to me that he is a widower, but he recently stated
that he has a wife, it's just that he "doesn't want to talk about
"it" [her]...". Kinda "odd"...referring to a spouse as "it".
He states that he doesn't drive - ostensibly because of epilepsy - and
that he is entirely a pedestrian, even in Austin he walks to the
grocery stores or wherever. If he *did* have a wife, wouldn't she at
least drive him to the grocery store once in a while...???
He hates Austin and Texas...he has stated so a number of times.
The guy seems like a fairly sad case...jes' my opinion.
That said, I do like some of Steve's posts on alt.binaries.food, he's
now got me on a Mae Ploy chili sauce kick. But holy christ, if he
cooks all the food he sez he does he must weigh like 700 pounds or
Greg aka "cyberrrat"