Happy New Year
On 2016-01-03 6:20 PM, Doris Night wrote:
> On Sun, 3 Jan 2016 16:29:41 -0500, Nancy Young
> > wrote:
>> I generally don't notice, so odds are they're paying by card here,
>> too. It took me a while, but I finally convinced my mother to
>> carry a credit card in case she gets into a jam. She still doesn't
>> use it. I haven't asked her how she pays for groceries.
> My MIL has a credit card, but I'm not sure how often she actually uses
> it.
> I was in the grocery store with her last week, and when we got to the
> check-out she said she wanted to use her card, then she handed it to
> me and asked me if I'd do it. Then she whispered her PIN to me.
> I took the card, waved it over the pay-pass screen*, and handed it
> back to her. "Easy!" I said to her.
> *In Canada, we don't have to swipe a card and enter a PIN. We just
> have to touch a screen with the card. The whole thing takes about 1.5
> seconds.
We do. My bank card has to be swiped and inserted and a PIN entered.