On Sunday, January 3, 2016 at 2:01:06 PM UTC-10, Ed Pawlowski wrote:
> On 1/3/2016 6:20 PM, Doris Night wrote:
> >
> > *In Canada, we don't have to swipe a card and enter a PIN. We just
> > have to touch a screen with the card. The whole thing takes about 1.5
> > seconds.
> >
> > Doris
> >
> Sorry to hear that. That type of card is being eliminated because it is
> possible to steal the information and clone them. New chip cards take
> longer but are much more secure.
As of October 1st, 2015, businesses in the US were supposed to replace their card readers with new ones that take the chipped cards or face bad things happening to them. I got my new reader but haven't connected it yet. It seems like a lot of bother to have to swipe and insert the cards and input a pin. I've been telling folks that I haven't gotten my new reader up a running so a check would be perfectly acceptable but I don't think I can keep that up for long.