On Mon, 4 Jan 2016 13:12:57 -0000, "Ophelia" >
>"S Viemeister" > wrote in message
>> On 1/4/2016 7:11 AM, Ophelia wrote:
>>> "S Viemeister" > wrote
>>>> On 1/4/2016 4:35 AM, Ophelia wrote:
>>>>> We do have swipe but I prefer to insert my card and use my pin. ATM we
>>>>> do have a choice but not sure for how long.
>>>> I swiped a US credit card (which also has a chip) in Tesco, and the
>>>> machine wouldn't process it. No problem with the card or my account -
>>>> but Tesco machines seem to be a bit 'touchy', and won't process a
>>>> swipe if the card also contains a chip.
>>> I believe it won't be too long before are won't be allowed *not* to have
>>> a swipe card
>>> I take it you were allowed to use your chip and pin?
>> Yes. Sort of. Most US-issued chip cards are chip and signature, not chip
>> and pin. I was in a hurry to catch a train, so just grabbed my Royal Bank
>> of Scotland card and used that. When I got to Thurso, I had no problem
>> using the US chip+signature card there.
> Strange.
I once had problems in the UK getting cash with my debit card. I went
into the bank to query why and when all was sorted out it seemed (back
then) I had a four digit PIN and UK ones needed six. Just enough for
it not to process. She also told me that different accounts, such as
savings and chequing, should have different pins, which ours don't.
That was the first year I didn't bother with travellers cheques but it
was simple to get cash on my Visa, so no harm done.