Thread: Happy New Year
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Default Happy New Year

On Mon, 04 Jan 2016 10:00:01 -0500, Gary > wrote:

>> There might
>> be a reason you think there are only old ladies who do that, it might
>> be that the old men don't get their lazy butts out of the chair to do
>> the shopping and leave the old women to do the work.
>> Open your eyes next time you are at the checkout, wise up to the
>> proportion of women to men.

>Lucretia...I love you and would NEVER throw a wet towel on your floor
>but you do often shine your militant feminist side here. Men aren't
>your enemies. We aren't all evil.

That's good, at least you understand the principle of wet towels
>In many marriages, men are still the main "bread winners." They work
>their asses off to provide for the family. And their wives normally
>take over the home job...raising the kids, doing the shopping, etc.
>That's usually a mutual agreement.
>So yeah...usually more women grocery shopping then men.
>My current girlfriend has no job and can't even drive.
>I do it all...
> - I work and pay all bills
> - I do all the shopping
> - I do all the cooking and cleaning
> - I even feed her and help her going to the bathroom

That makes you very nice
>We have a nice agreement here.
> - she loves me unconditionally
> - she never bitches at me
> - she appreciates all that I do.
>Win-win situation, AFAIC. LOL! :-D

Because you both like it that way - however I get the strong
impression Dave rules his roost and he is prone to blanket statements
such as 'it is always old women holding the line up' - then I will not
let that pass, mostly because it isn't true.