On Mon, 4 Jan 2016 09:35:36 -0000, "Ophelia" >
>"Cheryl" > wrote in message
>> On 1/3/2016 6:20 PM, Doris Night wrote:
>>> My MIL has a credit card, but I'm not sure how often she actually uses
>>> it.
>>> I was in the grocery store with her last week, and when we got to the
>>> check-out she said she wanted to use her card, then she handed it to
>>> me and asked me if I'd do it. Then she whispered her PIN to me.
>>> I took the card, waved it over the pay-pass screen*, and handed it
>>> back to her. "Easy!" I said to her.
>>> *In Canada, we don't have to swipe a card and enter a PIN. We just
>>> have to touch a screen with the card. The whole thing takes about 1.5
>>> seconds.
>> That's the RFID chip in the recent cards. Those are the ones you want to
>> protect from chip readers that thieves carry these days. A tin foil hat
>> for your credit card so to speak, but in this case it isn't paranoia. 
>We do have swipe but I prefer to insert my card and use my pin. ATM we do
>have a choice but not sure for how long.
I've never used an ATM. I print my own. LOL
I honestly see no point to an ATM... with today's lousy interest rates
it makes more sense economically to keep a pile of cash at home...
costs more to travel to ATMs than the pennies of interest I forego by
keeping cash at home. I have always had a piggy bank at home, every
few months I visit a bank teller in town and make a withdrawal for
replenishment... usually I cash a check at the drive thru at the bank
in town written on my account on Long Island. I think constantly
using ATMs is very risky business, eventually you'll get mugged.