Soup Stock in a Box
Sqwertz wrote:
> On Mon, 04 Jan 2016 11:28:45 -0500, Gary wrote:
>> Two self-proclaimed moderaters of this unmoderated usenet group. I
>> respond to you or Steve and I get yelled at by her. I respond to her
>> and YOU get all upset. LOL. Get a life, dude.
> Just 5 days ago you said to Boner Boy:
> "Unless you fall in line and quit all your many name crap, this is the
> last time I will acknowledge you. I've tried to reason but failed. Get
> help. We can't get rid of you but we can certainly KF and ignore you.
> I've mentioned many times that I look for the good in everyone. I'm
> having a hard time here with you, my friend. Friend? lol"
Ut oh, the woman-stalker is rushing to Marty's defense...
> You blow up at The Boner every couple of weeks but then you always get
> sucked back in almost immediately. That makes you as psycho as John
> Kuthe, as gullible as Barbara Llorente, and as hypocritical as The
> Boner herself.
But for woman-stalking you have no peers at all...
> You may not see it, but you're in a severe decline. Usenet and social
> media can make weak people nuts, and and you're the next victim.
A medical diagnosis from a troll!
> ObFood: Open faced turkey and bacon sandwich smothered with
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"Why do you even bother posting if that's all you have to say? We've
heard the same thing at least 2,000 times by now."
"OK, so it's your planet so I guess you get to define what all teens on
Planet Bove eat. We'll need to add this to the Planet Bove Wikipedia
entry: "Teenagers on Planet Bove only eat chicken strips, fries, and
baby carrots".
"Incredible. And you STILL don't shut up."
I thought you were here just to talk about cooking? You've only said
that at least 25 times, yet 95% of the flack you get is about
off-topic subjects.
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