Happy New Year
Janet wrote:
> In article >, gravesend10
> @verizon.net says...
>> On Mon, 4 Jan 2016 21:41:46 -0500, Ed Pawlowski > wrote:
>>> On 1/4/2016 11:01 AM, Janet wrote:
>>>>> Sure it cost you. Fraud and theft costs all of us. The CC company took
>>>>> the hit, but it is reflected in the price we pay.
>>>> ? I pay nothing for using debit and credit cards.
>>>> Janet UK
>>> Yes, you do. It is built into the price of what you buy. We all pay it
>>> and the banks get a piece of your card transaction. Makes little
>>> difference on small transaction, but when buying a major appliance many
>>> stores will give you a discount if you pay cash. I'm not sure what the
>>> merchant pays but 2% to 5% seems common from what I've been told.
>> All costs are built into the price of goods and services, otherwise
>> the losses would eliminate the profit factor and would prevent
>> business from being conducted. Even when a company offers free
>> samples that cost is added to the price of goods... nothing is free.
> The GOODS are not free. Using my CC or DD card to pay the price of the
> goods, costs me not a penny more than if I pay cash.
> Janet.
That's because the cost of "free" or "transaction fee" is pre-loaded
into the pricing of the good, along with advertising and other overhead.
You're simply being charged a hidden cost.
If you pay cash you're paying more by getting less benefit from using a