Pizza Wars
sf wrote:
> Janet B wrote:
> > I have a recipe that wants fresh chopped onion, tomato, garlic, salt,
> > olive oil) oregano, black olives and parmesan. No sauce. No
> > directions for thick crust. It always smells and tastes divine.
> > I always took it to be a busy woman making bread, taking a bit of
> > dough and things from her garden to make a tasty dinner.
> > Janet US
> There's probably a little olive oil on the dough. Just make your
> regular crust.
Definitely olive oil sprinkled generously on top. AKA 'white pizza' in
my world...any one made without a sauce of any kind. I make them
fairly often and love them. I also add some fresh saueed broccoli on
most of mine. It's delicious but only if you like broccoli. Heavy on
the garlic too.