Cheddar pizza?
Brooklyn1 wrote:
> On Wed, 06 Jan 2016 06:27:21 -0500, Gary > wrote:
>> Bruce wrote:
>>> sf wrote:
>>>> Good lord man. At least our cheddar is mild compared to theirs. UK
>>>> cheddar would be an abomination on pizza.
>> LOL! I agree with sf on this one.
>>> If UK cheddar is stronger, then that's what I'd want on a pizza. I don't
>>> need filler on a pizza.
>> So you would just cook a pizza crust with sharp cheddar on top,
>> nothing else?
>> I love a very strong sharp cheddar but I wouldn't want any (mild or
>> strong) on a pizza. Guess it depends on what you top your pizza with.
>> I could see myself using it if I topped the pizza with onions and
>> ground beef. In that case though, I would just make some cheese
>> burgers on buns, not make a pizza.
> I bet if you added bacon to a cheddar pizza you could cover it with
> ferret poop and people here would love it.
Not without broccoli or cauliflower...
> Most times when I shop at Walmart I pick up my favorites, a pound each
> of provolone and Genoa ond a bag of Portuguese rolls. A few days
> later I'll have a pizza, provolone and genoa goes very well on my
> rising crust supreme frozen pizza. I like most every cheese, even the
> stinky kinds, but cheddar is my least favorite... I consider cheddar
> the lamb of cheeses
Iow, the best of all, thanks for confessing to it.