On Wed, 06 Jan 2016 14:03:28 +0200, Opinicus
> wrote:
>On Wed, 06 Jan 2016 01:08:09 -0800, sf > wrote:
>>New Yorkers have it wrong. I've eaten pizza in Sicily and it's not
Sicilian pizza is square, doesn't meat they can't also serve teh round
Napotaliano pizza is sicily.
>>Pizza is round.
You huge ass is round, like Uranus! LOL-LOL
That web site shows primarily Sicilian pizza, and some focaccia.
>I suspect that rectangular pizzas have their origins in this:
>Possibly not southern at all but northern.
>That said, my first encounter with pizza was as I kid in north New
>Jersey in the late 50s and it was baked in huge rectangular trays at
>an outdoor farmer's market or suchlike.