Happy New Year
On 2016-01-06 4:46 PM, Ed Pawlowski wrote:
> I prefer to NOT give them 20 cents because I'm buying a coffee. If you
> want to, that is your choice. It is not a matter of paying them at the
> end of the month, that $2 coffee could be $1.75 if it was cash only.
> Banks get the fee when you use the card even if you pay the bill in full
> at the end of the month.
Yep. If the cost of using the debit card service is 20 cents then they
will boost the price of a cup of coffee so that they get the same money
when people use the card, and they don't mind pocketing the difference
if it is a cash deal. They will blame the price increase on the
government raising the minimum wage or the price of coffee, even though
the price of coffee beans recently dropped close to 30%.