On 7/1/2016 07:16 Cindy Hamilton wrote:
> On Wednesday, January 6, 2016 at 12:28:34 PM UTC-5, Bruce wrote:
>> On 6/1/2016 22:34 Cindy Hamilton wrote:
>> > On Tuesday, January 5, 2016 at 7:50:07 PM UTC-5, tert in seattle wrote:
>> >> potatoes, carrots, leeks, water, salt
>> >>
>> >> I'm hoping it's good - we'll see
>> >
>> > Sounds good. IMNSHO, soup doesn't need meat, although a vegetable
>> > soup made with chicken and/or beef broth can be delicious.
>> >
>> > Cindy Hamilton
>> So you'd put a dead animal in your soup and not even name the soup after
>> it? That's weird.
> 1. Broth isn't meat, even when it's made from meat. Nobody hankering
> for a big, juicy steak would be satisfied with a like amount of
> beef broth.
> 2. It's named after what it mostly is: vegetables. If I used water instead
> of broth, should I call it "water soup"?
The water doesn't contribute to the flavour, whereas the meat
contributes a lot, probably the most.
> I'm currently working through a pot of lentil soup that happens
> to be vegan, although I often eat it with a side of yogurt so
> the entire meal isn't vegan.
It's still vegetarian, you treehugger.