On 1/6/2016 3:32 PM, el mismo de siempre wrote:
> dsi1 wrote:
>> On 1/6/2016 1:28 PM, el mismo de siempre wrote:
>>> dsi1 wrote:
>>>> On 1/6/2016 12:21 PM, wrote:
>>>>> The Outlaws song diablo canyon has good guitar distortion of some
>>>>> kind.
>>>> It's probably a Mu-Tron III envelope follower doo-hicky box. I used to
>>>> have one of those. It was a vintage box and I got a couple of hundred
>>>> buck for that on eBay - it was the happiest day in my life!
>>>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X00XdLhFLSg
>>> Or:
>>> https://youtu.be/Zuuj8QUyiAA
>> The beginning sounds like the Mu-Tron but the screaming parts are
>> wah-wahs - and they're using it to great effect! I never was much into
>> that group but they got a pretty nice sound. I'll have to give them a
>> listen.
>> Meanwhile, on a rock in the middle of the Pacific:
>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qBxUaEeygT4
> Bro, you had me at Ry Cooder!!!!
> Note the Wally Heider studio toter...
You have sharp eyes. Mr Cooder has helped out several Hawaiian players
with his recording and playing expertise. He has been quite generous
with his time in this.
I went to high school with the bass player - how the heck did that kid
get that gig with those old guys? Ho.. the lucky bugga!
My dad grew up in Kakaako with those old guys. He neva wen like those
guys cause they was always smoking pakalolo. This must have been back in
the 40's.