MisterDiddyWahDiddy wrote:
> On Wednesday, January 6, 2016 at 7:25:48 PM UTC-6, el mismo de siempre wrote:
>> MisterDiddyWahDiddy wrote:
>>> On Wednesday, January 6, 2016 at 4:02:28 PM UTC-6, wrote:
>>>> They both use a wa wa pedal for Clapton.
>>> I like Clapton best when he keeps his mouth shut and plays an electric guitar
>>> with a wah wah pedal. It's also interesting that both of those songs have
>>> lyrics written by a non-band member. Actually, I don't have a problem with
>>> Clapton's vocals, but after Cream ended he started writing...like the three
>>> songs that Jared mentioned.
>>> --Bryan
>> Face it axe-hack, you wish you had 1/100th his chops.
> I'm not a "guitarist."
You can say that again.
> I play a bit of rhythm guitar. I've never aspired
> to be a guitarist.
And you ain't no Keith Richards either.
> Those songs that are all meaningful to you, I find really boring.
You would.
> Except for
> his early guitar work, I find Clapton boring.
Bore this:
> The post-Derek stuff is boring
> old man music.
> --Bryan
That's as clean as a crystal necklace.