Happy New Year
On 1/6/2016 6:05 PM, sf wrote:
>> I prefer to NOT give them 20 cents because I'm buying a coffee. If you
>> want to, that is your choice. It is not a matter of paying them at the
>> end of the month, that $2 coffee could be $1.75 if it was cash only.
>> Banks get the fee when you use the card even if you pay the bill in full
>> at the end of the month.
> You're not going to get a discount for paying cash. The only thing
> you can do is adjust your halo and pat yourself on the back that your
> small businessman local merchant won't be paying the bank for your
> minimal transaction. In the mean time, I have 30 days of free credit.
Banks give you nothing for free. No free credit, no free lunch. Enjoy
your delusion. They did not build those big buildings by giving you free