dsi1 wrote:
> On 1/6/2016 4:08 PM, el mismo de siempre wrote:
>> dsi1 wrote:
>>> On 1/6/2016 3:32 PM, el mismo de siempre wrote:
>>>> dsi1 wrote:
>>>>> On 1/6/2016 1:28 PM, el mismo de siempre wrote:
>>>>>> dsi1 wrote:
>>>>>>> On 1/6/2016 12:21 PM, wrote:
>>>>>>>> The Outlaws song diablo canyon has good guitar distortion of some
>>>>>>>> kind.
>>>>>>> It's probably a Mu-Tron III envelope follower doo-hicky box. I
>>>>>>> used to
>>>>>>> have one of those. It was a vintage box and I got a couple of
>>>>>>> hundred
>>>>>>> buck for that on eBay - it was the happiest day in my life!
>>>>>>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X00XdLhFLSg
>>>>>> Or:
>>>>>> https://youtu.be/Zuuj8QUyiAA
>>>>> The beginning sounds like the Mu-Tron but the screaming parts are
>>>>> wah-wahs - and they're using it to great effect! I never was much into
>>>>> that group but they got a pretty nice sound. I'll have to give them a
>>>>> listen.
>>>>> Meanwhile, on a rock in the middle of the Pacific:
>>>>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qBxUaEeygT4
>>>> Bro, you had me at Ry Cooder!!!!
>>>> Note the Wally Heider studio toter...
>>> You have sharp eyes. Mr Cooder has helped out several Hawaiian players
>>> with his recording and playing expertise. He has been quite generous
>>> with his time in this.
>> So clean with his slide work...
>> I'm a big fan of the late:
>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9D2nuzhIfHY
>> So clean, so fluid.
> I've been hearing the name JJ Cale since the 70's but it was only until
> he died that I come to find out more about him. Ain't that a bitch?
Better late than never, the beauty of the catalog awaits you!
>>> I went to high school with the bass player - how the heck did that kid
>>> get that gig with those old guys? Ho.. the lucky bugga! 
>> Lol.
>>> My dad grew up in Kakaako with those old guys. He neva wen like those
>>> guys cause they was always smoking pakalolo. This must have been back in
>>> the 40's. 
>> Boy howdy, that's some real background for ya.
>> The earliest days of Maui Wowie?
>> Or maybe Kona gold...
> The great thing about my dad is that he wasn't into smoking that weed or
> feeding an inner demon that was eating at his soul. He was always right
> there for us kids. I think I got a good shot of having my kids remember
> me that way. That would be just great.
I dig that.
You have passed down essence of self, not demon.
> There was a couple of times when he would go drinking with his buddies
> and come home drunk. My mom put a stop to that with extreme prejudice
> and it never happened again. She was watching out for us kids too. All
> kids should be this lucky.
Your tea leaves were read for you, now that is a parenting mind trick