"dsi1" > wrote in message
> On Wednesday, January 6, 2016 at 8:03:22 AM UTC-10, Julie Bove wrote:
>> "dsi1" <> wrote in message
>> ...
>> On Tuesday, January 5, 2016 at 9:34:34 AM UTC-10, Opinicus wrote:
>> > The latest episode of "Food Unwrapped"
>> > (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Food_U...ed_(TV_series),
>> > http://www.channel4.com/programmes/f.../episode-guide)
>> > implies that cheddar cheese is reguarly used as an ingredient of
>> > pizzas in the UK.
>> >
>> > Really? Cheddar?
>> >
>> > --
>> > Bob
>> > The joint that time is out of
>> > www.kanyak.com
>> I don't mind. My first pizzas came out of box with dough mix and cans of
>> sauce and some kind of weird canned cheese powder. I thought it was
>> pretty
>> darn good. I frequently use cheddar because that's what I usually have in
>> my
>> refrigerator. One of these days, I'm gonna make a pizza with crumbled
>> hamburger and American cheese. 
>> ---
>> My Italian MIL made pizza from cheese ends. Something we seem to no
>> longer
>> be able to get here. I do remember buying them many years ago. They are
>> just what is left over at deli counter and they are sold at a reduced
>> rate.
>> The pizza was never the same way twice but always good.
> I've never seen cheese ends - it sounds like something I'd jump on.
Meat ends too. She would grind or chop them and mix with mayo and pickles
for sandwiches. I used to use the cheese ends, chopped up in a vegetable
and pasta casserole. It was cool because each bite would be a little