On 7/1/2016 14:59 Ed Pawlowski wrote:
> On 1/6/2016 6:32 PM, Bruce wrote:
>> On 7/1/2016 09:20 Ed Pawlowski wrote:
>>> On 1/6/2016 9:38 AM, Ophelia wrote:
>>>> We are retired now and enjoy each others' company. In the past his work
>>>> often took him away from home and eventually I retired a bit early to
>>>> travel with him. Now we are both retired we appreciate the time we
>>>> have together and we make the most of it
Oh and just so you know, our
>>>> money (pensions, savings et al) we have combined. We have no 'his and
>>>> hers' money! We have 'our' money!!!
>>> Good for you. My wife has not worked for years, but it has always been
>>> "our" money. She now has Social Security income but does not bother
>>> with it as she prefers not to have to worry about it. She has a little
>>> cash and her own credit card. When we go out, she pays for nothing. She
>>> is happy and wants for nothing.
>> The perfect pet.
> You aren't worth a comment.
I admit it was a bit harsh, but you do sound like you're from an era
long gone by when you talk about men and women. That too can be
offensive. At least to people with a more contemporary mindset.