MisterDiddyWahDiddy wrote:
> On Wednesday, January 6, 2016 at 10:36:10 PM UTC-6, el mismo de siempre wrote:
>> MisterDiddyWahDiddy wrote:
>>> On Wednesday, January 6, 2016 at 8:18:29 PM UTC-6, el mismo de siempre wrote:
>>>> MisterDiddyWahDiddy wrote:
>>>>> The post-Derek stuff is boring
>>>>> old man music.
>>>>> --Bryan
>>>> Watch two "old men" eat your hack ass for dinner:
>>>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6jxsnIRpy2E
>>>> Go on bonobo butt, try and match any of that, even the rhythm part.
>>> The original studio version of that song was stupid, but at least it sounded
>>> nice. This live thing is a piece of shit. A complete piece of shit, and you
>>> are a piece of shit too.
>> You have the musical taste of barbarian, and having seen your youtubes
>> the musical skills of one too, not to insult barbarians.
> I'm not a musician.
>>> It said on the video's page that it was a tribute to Mandela.
>> So?
>>> Didn't Rush Limbaugh tell you that he is a bad commie?
>> Beats me, I don't listen to blowhards like him.
> Your party depends on idiots who vote against their own economic
> interests, and Rush and Faux News are the cheerleaders.
My "party" is as transitory to you as the "my religion" scapegoat you
keep trying to identify.
You haven;t a ****ing CLUE what my specific partisan polarity is, and
that's what drives you insane!
>>> And ****, man, by the time those
>>> old farts were playing that boring shit, there was Ian Dury.
>>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JCOym2yutD0
>>> --Bryan
>> Adequate, but there's far better:
>> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JvXjbsEoKyA
> Guitar fag (no insult meant to same sex oriented folks) music bores me
> to tears. Music isn't like an Olympic diving competition where you get
> extra points for degree of difficulty.
You're largely atonal, as you repeatedly demonstrated in your mercifully
short "career" as a rocker.
That you can so easily dismiss the artistry of those who have some of
their own speaks volumes to your own dearth of creative capacity.
>> Now you been schooled kiddo, doff your tinfoil hat and beat it.
> **** off, Jared, and by that I mean go **** your fat witch of a sister.
> --Bryan
You are under the control of a dark demonic entity.
And it appears you will be unable to free yourself in this lifetime.