Happy New Year
On 8/1/2016 07:44 Ed Pawlowski wrote:
> On 1/6/2016 11:36 PM, Bruce wrote:
>> I admit it was a bit harsh, but you do sound like you're from an era
>> long gone by when you talk about men and women. That too can be
>> offensive. At least to people with a more contemporary mindset.
> If you want to take a shot at me, fair game. To make comments about
> someone's spouse is rather low, IMO.
I wasn't making comments about your spouse, but about the way you talked
about her.
> Let's see if I can **** off some of the contemporary mindsets though.
> We've been married 49 1/2 years. In that time my wife has held a job
> for a total of maybe 1 1/2 years. Notice, I said "held a job" since as
> a stay-at-home mom works pretty hard too. Our kids were not perfect but
> having a parent there when they came home from school was a good thing.
> Too many kids are in a warehouse after school.
> She used to have a car. She is a good driver, accident free, but does
> not like to drive. I take here wherever she has to go even if it means
> leaving work to do it. I still get paid so no loss. Gave her car away
> about 3 years ago.
> She has her own credit card in her name. Never looks at the bill, just
> hands it to me. It has never been over $300. Rarely has more than $30
> in cash on her. If we go out together, I take care of any money needed.
> She has no restrictions on buying anything. She likes to sew and
> embroider so she picked out a new machine. Got it at a huge discount
> for $4500.
> She has an income from SS but never sees it. Goes into the joint
> checking account.
> She has the ability and financial status to up and leave if she ever
> wanted to, but we like the way things are. She wants for nothing and
> gets pampered a lot. May not be contemporary, but it works for us.
> Some people I know are actually jealous as they go about their
> contemporary lifestyle.
Who am I to comment? That's between you two. I was only
reacting to your tone. You really sounded as if you were talking about
an intelligent pet. (Mind you, I'm not calling your wife that.)