Thread: Happy New Year
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Default Happy New Year

On Thu, 7 Jan 2016 15:44:04 -0500, Ed Pawlowski > wrote:

>On 1/6/2016 11:36 PM, Bruce wrote:
>> I admit it was a bit harsh, but you do sound like you're from an era
>> long gone by when you talk about men and women. That too can be
>> offensive. At least to people with a more contemporary mindset.

>If you want to take a shot at me, fair game. To make comments about
>someone's spouse is rather low, IMO.
>Let's see if I can **** off some of the contemporary mindsets though.
>We've been married 49 1/2 years. In that time my wife has held a job
>for a total of maybe 1 1/2 years. Notice, I said "held a job" since as
>a stay-at-home mom works pretty hard too. Our kids were not perfect but
>having a parent there when they came home from school was a good thing.
> Too many kids are in a warehouse after school.
>She used to have a car. She is a good driver, accident free, but does
>not like to drive. I take here wherever she has to go even if it means
>leaving work to do it. I still get paid so no loss. Gave her car away
>about 3 years ago.
>She has her own credit card in her name. Never looks at the bill, just
>hands it to me. It has never been over $300. Rarely has more than $30
>in cash on her. If we go out together, I take care of any money needed.
> She has no restrictions on buying anything. She likes to sew and
>embroider so she picked out a new machine. Got it at a huge discount
>for $4500.
>She has an income from SS but never sees it. Goes into the joint
>checking account.
>She has the ability and financial status to up and leave if she ever
>wanted to, but we like the way things are. She wants for nothing and
>gets pampered a lot. May not be contemporary, but it works for us.
>Some people I know are actually jealous as they go about their
>contemporary lifestyle.

I don't understand why Bruce is so set against it. To me, so long as
the two people involved like their arrangement, that's fine. If your
wife was angry because you handle it all, that would be different, and
I would support her.

The only caveat I would add, is I do hope she knows what there is and
where she stands if you go off the mortal coil first.