Power Ball
On Thursday, January 7, 2016 at 7:53:56 PM UTC-6, Brooklyn1 wrote:
> I bought a NY Power Ball ticket today, the first lottery ticket I've
> bought since 1964. It's up to $700,000,000... WTF would I do with
> that kind of money? I wouldn't buy a new wardrobe, I definitely
> wouldn't eat differently, I'd still cook all my own food. I'd
> probably buy a new vehicle and have a new heated garage built, I could
> do that now. I wouldn't move somewhere else, I like living here. My
> life would change very little... okay, I had my hair cut today... I'd
> probably have my hair cut three times a year instead of just twice,
> maybe... I really detest having my hair cut. I really don't know what
> I'd do with all that money. I plan on winning or I'd not have bought
> a ticket, but I don't imagine my life would change one iota. I've
> been agonizing all day about what I'd do with all those winnings, but
> I can't think of anything that would change... I'd still take care of
> all my cats the same, I'd still feed the birds and all the other
> critters. I honestly can't think of anything that would change, which
> means I live like a multi millionaire now. Okay, I may buy a new
> shower curtain. LOL