Thread: Power Ball
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cibola de oro cibola de oro is offline
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Default Power Ball

Cindy Hamilton wrote:
> On Friday, January 8, 2016 at 12:25:44 AM UTC-5, TSILABOLG wrote:
>> On 1/7/2016 8:36 PM, spamola de spammyro is a:
>>> hillbilly

>> Typical spammyshitbrain response from a gutless coward WHO NEVER SERVED!
>> Gonna man up some day, you disgusting cowardly traitor?

> If everybody tried to enlist in the military, do you think there would
> be room for all of them? Your disdain for those who have never served
> is misplaced.
> Cindy Hamilton

This is the same old libitarded "chickenhawk" venom, the notion that
because one had the immediate circumstances or God-given physical
capacity to joint the military they are somehow imbued with some greater
portion of citizens' rights, national worth, or other special status
that elevates them to a superior position to all other citizens,
including those may be disabled, home-makers, EMTs, police officers, etc.

You won't change a creature like this from it's hateful pogrom against
those who (just a guess) missed out on being drafted to Vietnam, nor
will you deter it from lashing out against any and all who have not
served but might have the temerity to have a say in our nation's
direction through the ballot box.

Weep for it - the thing is in deep soul-destroying pain, and has been
for most of it's wretched life.

Pity is appropriate here, if not outright scorn.