annual Andy Remembrance
MisterDiddyWahDiddy wrote:
> On Friday, January 8, 2016 at 10:49:48 AM UTC-6, wrote:
>> On Friday, January 8, 2016 at 10:45:22 AM UTC-5, John Kuthe wrote:
>>> On Friday, January 8, 2016 at 3:37:44 AM UTC-6, Xeno wrote:
>>>> On 8/01/2016 8:27 AM, John Kuthe wrote:
>>> ...
>>>>> Yes, quite well. You have NO CLUE how tortuous my life had become for me before I started taking Seroquel to help me. It's working so well that I as a nurse diagnosed myself to need a higher dose of Seroquel at one point, doubled my dosage, assessed that it worked very well for me, reported that to my doctor, she concurred and changed my prescription accordingly!! And I'm still taking that doubled dose of 100mg Seroquel HS (every night).
>>>>> John Kuthe...
>>>> That's good to hear (err, read). You're right, I have no idea,
>>>> especially about disorders of that nature. At least you are able to self
>>>> assess. Most with that disorder find that difficult and go off the meds.
>>>> Naturally that leads to a lot of grief.
>>>> --
>>>> Xeno
>>> Yes and thank you. I realized after I had a torturous exacerbation of my Bipolar Disorder (as they call it) that I've always been "bipolar", always, even as a child. But 2014 in March, something changed in my head and it got a LOT worse rather suddenly, and became unmanagable for me. I began having severe sleep disturbances, was unable to control my streaming thoughts, actually slipped into a few ludicrous delusions like actually believing God existed and was actively talking to me through songs I was listening too. Old jazz songs by folks like Etta James, Arethra Franklin, etc. My Bipolar Disorder had become intolerable for me, so I had to do something, and since my mother killed herself in 1982 I know THAT was not a good path to take, so I did the same thing millions of United Statesians do who don't have health insurance, I went to the ER. And that began my path to recovery!
>>> I really hope Bryan gets help with his mental health disorder. We had a lot of fun for years playing with or through our respective mental health disorders, and as I learned they can suddenly get a lot worse, often with tragic consequences when you look at some of the atrocities commited! Sick sad and TRUE! And literally as serious as a heart attack!
>>> John Kuthe...
>> So on top of everything else, you're a ****ing deadbeat. There is no excuse for you to not have health insurance. Except the fact that you want to game the system and misuse services intended for true EMERGENCIES.
> Because of The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010, deadbeats
> like John Kuthe will either have to buy health insurance or pay an increasingly
> large penalty for failing to do so.
> --Bryan
For low level vermin like you 2 the "penalty" is nominal at best.