Thread: Power Ball
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cibola de oro cibola de oro is offline
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Default Power Ball

sf wrote:
> On Fri, 8 Jan 2016 10:14:41 -0700, cibola de oro > wrote:
>> sf wrote:
>>> On Fri, 8 Jan 2016 09:12:57 -0700, cibola de oro > wrote:
>>>> This is the same old libitarded "chickenhawk" venom
>>> You don't think Dick Cheney, a draft dodger, is the epitome of a
>>> chicken hawk?

>> I think the term in and of itself is patently absurd, overtly hateful,
>> and fully emblematic of the rank hypocrisy of the left.
>> Was Clinton a "chickenhawk" for ordering our troops into Kosovo?
>> How about Woodrow Wilson for WWW1?

> Did they do it with the sole purpose of enriching their former
> employer, Halliburton?

Did Clinton give North Korea nuclear power and promise they wouldn't
"misuse" it?

How'd that work out?

Did Clinton and Loral sell them nuclear hardened satellite guidance chips?

How's that going to work out?

Did Woodrow Wilson whore the US out to Yuropeon banksters with the
illegal Federal Reserve Act and then have to pay it off with our blood
in WW1?

Zimmerman Telegram anyone????

**** this insipid Halliburton canard!

Both Bush and Cheney's full asetts were held in BLIND TRUST!

Look it up.

You might also look up what HAL does today.

Hint - it ain't serving meals on wheels for our soldiers.

Do you ever do ANY in-depth political research?

Or is it just the same remasticated libitarded pabulum?

>> Mealy-mouthed Dems who always get rel military men to do their remote
>> control bidding think they can denigrate anyone else who doesn't follow
>> the same proxy-war schema.
>> They're sick people, to the core!
>> The Constitutional precedent for our very Commander in Chief to NOT need
>> to have served is historically established and tested.
>> No more need be said on such foolishly partisan, semantic inanities.
>>> He was all for war for one reason only: money.

>> That's simply a belief, not at all a proven fact.

> You wouldn't admit it was true even if the facts slapped you in the
> face and introduced personally themselves to you.

You couldn't begin to "slap me in the face" with "the facts" if you
actually took the time to look them up instead of regurgitating canned
liberal talking points!

Come on, I double dog dare ya!

Go for it!

Show us why every non military service President of the USA who ordered
a military action is a "chickenhawk"...

This should be good.

I'll make popcorn!

Oh and btw - one small point - Cheney was NOT our President, LOL!