Power Ball
sf wrote:
> On Fri, 8 Jan 2016 16:28:11 -0700, cibola de oro > wrote:
>> sf wrote:
>>> On Fri, 8 Jan 2016 12:07:26 -0700, cibola de oro > wrote:
>>>> Oh and btw - one small point - Cheney was NOT our President, LOL!
>>> Only by proxy.
>> Nice abandonment of all other claims.
> Not worth continuing with you.
Not when you have no factual rebuttals at hand, true.
The term "chickenhawk" is an invention of the left wing who have started
just as many wars as the right.
That merciless crip FDR managed to Pearl Harbor us into WW2 so we could
die en mass again for the bloodthirsty Yuropeons.
He had all the Japanese PH invasion intel and sat on it.
He's responsible /personally/ for every lost life in Pearl.
> He had more influence than you want to acknowledge.
I do not deny that he had Bush's ear, and the same for Rummy.
In fact Bush Sr. has come out now and slammed them both publicly.
Not that he was any peace-monger himself, with his fetid ambassador
April Glasspie carrying his lies right to Saddam's hot little ears:
"The US has no position on your border conflict with Kuwaitt.."
And this after our oilmen sold the Kuwaiti's loads of slant drilling
They ALL start profit wars, each end every one of the evil SOBs.
About how much money did Red Adair make from dousing each one of those
Kuwaiti oil wells Saddam torched off on hos way home?
Then Bush kow tows to NATO (allegedly) and begs off finishing the
murderous ******* off!
Thereby guaranteeing a future conflict...
You want some more Bush Sr. dirt, google "Zapata Oil".
> I hope that man dies a slow, painful death and then goes to Hell.
That's very likely given the hardware in his chest, or maybe not.
I figure he's par-died 3 or maybe 4 times already.
He may even be used to it by now.
Do your homework sf - don't bring me bones someone else has been chewing on.