On Mon, 4 Jan 2016 14:35:56 -0700, el mismo de siempre >
>> Judge for yourself. The video is 4:20 minutes long. It implies that it's from 1990.
>> http://www.advicegoddess.com/archive....html#comments
As a patriotic American, I feel ashamed of our imperialist and
paranoid outlook on the rest of the world. We embarrass ourselves on
the world stage. Maybe we should pay attention how most other
countries handle difficult issues. We could make more progress if we
could line up redneck Texans and all republicans before a firing
Posted by: Casa Bona at January 4, 2016 2:28 PM
We could make more progress if we could line up redneck Texans and all
republicans before a firing squad. - Casa Bona
How so? Democrats have had control of the federal government 75% of
the time over the last eighty years.
When have republicans ever held power long enough to be responsible
for all of Americas woes?
Posted by: lujlp at January 4, 2016 2:42 PM
Shorter Casa Bona: "As a patriotic American, I advocate killing people
who disagree with me."
Posted by: Blogdog at January 4, 2016 2:50 PM
factsarefacts meet Casa Bona (whom I believe is an Environmental
Lawyer that likes the government having guns but not citizens).
I think youse guys have lots of things to share.
Posted by: Bob in Texas at January 4, 2016 5:05 PM
As a patriotic American, I feel ashamed of our imperialist and
paranoid outlook on the rest of the world. We embarrass ourselves on
the world stage. Maybe we should pay attention how most other
countries handle difficult issues. We could make more progress if we
could line up redneck Texans and all republicans before a firing
Posted by: Casa Bona at January 4, 2016 2:28 PM
Me too. I wish we could be more like Japan. It has the death penalty,
which is carried out with no appeal, no publicity, and no notice.
Posted by: Isab at January 4, 2016 5:21 PM
We could make more progress if we could line up redneck Texans and
all republicans before a firing squad. ~ Posted by: Casa Bona at
January 4, 2016 2:28 PM
Why just redneck Texans? What about rednecks in other states? Or
non-redneck Texans?
Why don't you just shoot them all? Isn't that how most left-wing
revolutions handle their political opponents?
French Revolution
Russian Revolution
Atrocities by Republican forces in Spanish Civil War
Cuban Revolution
Maybe we should pay attention how most other countries handle
difficult issues. ~ Posted by: Casa Bona at January 4, 2016 2:28 PM
Casa, you're so blind with America-hate that you can't see we actually
handle difficult issues better here than almost anywhere else. You've
idealized other places because "they" do things better. But you don't
take the time to actually know "them."
Posted by: Conan the Grammarian at January 5, 2016 3:35 PM