Thread: Happy New Year
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Bruce[_26_] Bruce[_26_] is offline
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Default Happy New Year

On 9/1/2016 12:57 Ed Pawlowski wrote:

> On 1/8/2016 12:09 AM, Bruce wrote:
>> I wasn't criticising or putting down your wife. I was criticising
>> an old fashioned male attitude towards women.

> Not sure where you get that from. Yes, I pamper my wife but I've done a
> lot for women to get ahead. I've hired women for jobs previously only
> held by men and paid them equally. I also encourage my daughter and
> granddaughters to take a stand where needed.
> We jointly feel that if you have children you should take full
> responsibility to raise them. That means one spouse stays home. yes,
> that may be very 1950s but it was our choice to put family ahead of
> additional income. IMO, old fashioned is still good.
> There may be some cases where two incomes are needed, but if mom is
> working so you can have a Volvo instead of a Chevy you are short
> changing your kids.

I was commenting on what you were saying here. It sounded
patronising and would sound patronising to most modern people. I'm not
saying you're doing anything wrong. I don't think you are at all. I
only reacted to how you sounded.
