Happy New Year
John Kuthe wrote:
> I do! I tried balancing my own checkbook too many times and always fond the discrepency to be my fault. I said screw it! I just keep more in my checking account than I spend, and everything is hunky dory! :-)
Don't ever take the bank's word, John. They DO screw up occasionally.
I had one bank once. It was Bank of America or whatever it was called
back then before they merged.
In 2 years, they got my balance wrong. Twice they posted a check twice
against the account. And one time, they claimed I didn't pay the
annual fee for my safe deposit box. All 3 times I had to go to the
bank and show them cancelled checks to prove my point. This was back
when we still got cancelled checks along with the statement each
Banks do mess up occasionally. You should Always keep track of what
you spend.