> wrote in message
> On 9 Jan 2016 16:23:56 GMT, notbob > wrote:
>>On 2016-01-09, Melba's Jammin' > wrote:
>>> Does anyone here do it? I'm tempted ??? it could be an expensive way to
>>> find out if I can get an edible pork chop using that method ??? but
>>> can't
>>> quite bring myself to pull the trigger.
>>I almost did. Then started thinking about why I'd want to. I liked
>>the idea of being able to eat melt-in-yer-mouth beef from cheap cuts
>>like.... well, you know. Problem is, takes freakin' hrs to cook a
>>cheap cut o' beef. Takes only about 30-40 mins in my pressure cooker.
>>That's when my entire sous vide scheme pretty much fell apart. 
> Do you find the flavour develops with a pressure cooker though? Back
> when the kids were little I used it all the time for stews etc but I
> tried to do it with enough time in hand to put it in the oven for
> about an hour to make it taste more incorporated.
> No doubt about it tenderising though - my cousin used to cook sheeps
> head in it to make meals for his dog
I have a pressure cooker too, but it doesn't get the same melty tender meat
as the sous vide.
As for it taking hours, yes it does but you can just leave it and it needs
no attention.
If you are looking for fast food forget sous vide. I love mine!