Happy New Year
On 1/9/2016 12:45 PM, Ed Pawlowski wrote:
> On 1/9/2016 10:04 AM, Nancy Young wrote:
>>> I don't even keep a check register. I write perhaps three checks
>>> a year and make weekly ATM withdrawals. Everything else is paid
>>> electronically.
>> I try to write down what checks are handwritten, but it's a bit
>> of a losing cause. I just keep a cushion in my checking account
>> to cover my day to day expenses and any other bills that come in.
> I use Quicken. Easy, accurate, always know what is available. Buy it
> once for the cost of a bounced check.
That's a good tool. I don't see them any more, but there used to
be a number of shows where they'd try to fix people's finances.
It's stunning to me how much people pay every month in bounced
check fees and they don't seem to think it's a problem. The
statistics bear it out, those fees make banks a ton of money.