"Ed Pawlowski" > wrote in message
> On 1/9/2016 11:48 AM, Janet B wrote:
>> I'd just put my breakfast egg into the pan and tilted the pan a bit to
>> get the butter around the egg and the yolk totally separated from the
>> white and slid to the other side of the pan.
>> I had hash browns with no egg this morning 
>> The rest of the eggs had stood up nicely in the pan. I've only had
>> the carton for a week.
>> It's going to be awhile before I have eggs for breakfast again.
>> Janet US
> Never saw anything like that, but maybe your timing was perfect.
> When you boil eggs the albumen becomes solid and the yolk, hard or soft
> separates. I wonder if you tilted the pan when it just reached the right
> temperature for them to part.
> While it was a turnoff for you, it would have been the perfect egg for me.
> I'd save the yolk for the last bite with a bite of buttery toast. Yummmmm.
It's a sign of poor quality eggs. Chickens probably fed a poor diet. High
quality, fresh eggs just don't do that. Back in the day (before Big Egg
shut down our local chicken farms) I could get real, farm fresh eggs laid
that day, I had a hell of a time separating the yolks from the whites. You
could practically drop them into a skillet from 6 inches up and the yolk
would not break.
Miss those eggs.
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