Happy New Year
On 09/01/2016 1:53 PM, Ed Pawlowski wrote:
> On 1/9/2016 2:52 PM, graham wrote:
>>>> I use Quicken. Easy, accurate, always know what is available. Buy it
>>>> once for the cost of a bounced check.
>>> Me too. I get my statements from the bank via Internet. So easy to
>>> balance checkbook.
>>> Janet US
>> I do all my accounting for my consultancy by hand in a 36 column book.
>> That way I can see where everything goes and mistakes are easy to find
>> and correct.
>> Graham
> I don't knock what works for you. Owner of my company does it similar
> and he knows where every penny is.
> With Quicken each of those columns would be a category. You can bring
> up simple reports for any period and combination at any time too.
I tried accounting software some years ago (I can't remember the brand)
and I couldn't see where things were being posted. Also, it was heavily
biased towards a retail operation. It doesn't take me long to do my
quarterly sales-tax returns and my accountant can see all my workings at
year end.
I *would* prefer to use accounting software but am more comfortable
doing it the old fashioned way and soon, it won't matter as I think I
might finally have to retire. With the downturn in the oil industry, my
projections for work this year barely cover my fixed overheads.