Happy New Year
On 1/9/2016 5:18 PM, Nancy Young wrote:
>> Yes, it is amazing. In 50+ years on my own I may have bounced 2 checks
>> from a math error or was late with a bill payment. Math error or
>> whatever can happen, but for some, it is every month.
> It's happened to me. When you have two people using the checkbook
> and they both have ATM cards and can forget to write things down,
> it's bound to occur. I'm sure not perfect.
> But the fee was so painful, it hardly ever happened. People who
> bounce checks are mostly people who really cannot afford those fees.
I just checked my bank and the fee for a bounce is $37. Maximum of 5 in
a day though since they have a big heart.
> I've heard people say they only have $30,000 in credit card debt.
> Ack. I haven't led the perfect financial life and have made many
> mistakes, but I knew when to stop digging that hole.
> They need to teach personal finance in the schools.
> nancy
I cannot imagine that much. Years ago I had some debt but I looked at
the interest charge and worked hard to get rid of it. Interest on a CC
is just throwing money away. Sure, it is handy to spread a big sudden
charge over a few months, but it is not a way of life. Same as people
that use their home equity like and ATM and got sunk when things went
sour a few years back.