Ed Pawlowski wrote:
> On 1/9/2016 8:24 PM, cibola de oro wrote:
>> Ed Pawlowski wrote:
>>> On 1/9/2016 7:59 PM, S Viemeister wrote:
>>>> On 1/9/2016 4:03 PM, Ed Pawlowski wrote:
>>>>> I decided on what to do if I hit the Powerball tonight.
>>>>> I'm going to buy RFC. I'm going to be too busy with my money to run
>>>>> things so I'll hire Casa Boner to be the moderator.
>>>> You have an interesting mind, Ed...
>>> Thank you. That is a very polite way of putting it!
>> You won't regret it Ed, this place will be as gleaming as the showers at
>> the TA truck stop, and twice as sanitary!
>> I'm going to put Bwuce in charge of pink breath mints.
>> And Bwyan gets wet mop, of course...
>> Tell ya what bro, we will have puppy-truckers from all over blowin'
>> through the washerwoman's chicken coop just to east dsi1's Kona
>> coffee-snmoked brisket tacos!
>> HONK HONK!!!!
> Thanks for accepting my offer. Looks like we are off to a good start.
> We have to work out some details yet, like wages and benefits. I'm
> thinking in the range of $300,000 a year
> but I'm worried about giving a well deserved 4 weeks vacation.
You're more than generous, but all I ask is a 2 bedroom apartment back
of the fuel islands so I can keep track of the lot lizards and be
on-site in case Bwyan gets into it with the candyman.
I mean he's a risky hire I know, but you just can't beat his resume.
Plus he's got a family to feed so I think we can work things out.
I also need someone to man the truck wash and keep the CB warm so
drivers know we're open for business. I'm thinking that Gary would be
our man there.
He'll talk to anyone and he really enjoys what he does, plus we can make
Mia a nice warm bed back of the boilers.
I thought about Sheldon, but I mean come on, he's chief cook and not a
bottle washer.
That man knows his way around a flat top and we will have zero shrinkage
on the bacon, which btw will all be thick cut - no cuttin' corners!
Who will fill in while you are away?
I have an idea, and she's very used to handling infantile behavior
issues - sf!
> Oh, a company car of course. What color Lamborghini?
No sir, that's way over the top...Besides if we need to plow or clear
any dead vehicles from the lot this will come in much more useful:
Plus we can get a dandy lease and it's just barely broken in.
Buddy, this will be a gold mine for you and I promise when we get the
menu worked out and an on-site dentist and tattoo shop we can blow the
competition away!