Happy New Year
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Happy New Year
On Sat, 9 Jan 2016 21:52:55 -0700, graham > wrote:
>On 09/01/2016 9:34 PM, graham wrote:
>> On 09/01/2016 5:11 PM,
>>> On Sat, 9 Jan 2016 15:33:45 -0700, graham > wrote:
>>>> On 09/01/2016 1:53 PM, Ed Pawlowski wrote:
>>>>> On 1/9/2016 2:52 PM, graham wrote:
>>>>>>>> I use Quicken. Easy, accurate, always know what is available.
>>>>>>>> Buy it
>>>>>>>> once for the cost of a bounced check.
>>>>>>> Me too. I get my statements from the bank via Internet. So easy to
>>>>>>> balance checkbook.
>>>>>>> Janet US
>>>>>> I do all my accounting for my consultancy by hand in a 36 column book.
>>>>>> That way I can see where everything goes and mistakes are easy to find
>>>>>> and correct.
>>>>>> Graham
>>>>> I don't knock what works for you. Owner of my company does it similar
>>>>> and he knows where every penny is.
>>>>> With Quicken each of those columns would be a category. You can
>>>>> bring
>>>>> up simple reports for any period and combination at any time too.
>>>> I tried accounting software some years ago (I can't remember the brand)
>>>> and I couldn't see where things were being posted. Also, it was heavily
>>>> biased towards a retail operation. It doesn't take me long to do my
>>>> quarterly sales-tax returns and my accountant can see all my workings at
>>>> year end.
>>>> I *would* prefer to use accounting software but am more comfortable
>>>> doing it the old fashioned way and soon, it won't matter as I think I
>>>> might finally have to retire. With the downturn in the oil industry, my
>>>> projections for work this year barely cover my fixed overheads.
>>>> Graham
>>> Sorry to hear that, so far, both my grandsons in Grande Prairie are
>>> still gainfully employed.
>> There has been a bloodbath in the oil industry except in one major
>> company where, to preserve jobs, everyone from the president down took a
>> paycut.
>> Graham
>I should also add that I am well past normal retirement age so the
>decision to wind down has been brought forward. It has been *very*
>difficult to adjust over the last year as most of the work was
>intellectually stimulating. I hate the inactivity but if any work does
>come in, I almost feel resentful at having to do it.
Then it's time to retire! Just make sure you have an alternate
activity that you can indulge in so it takes up the slack.
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