On 1/10/2016 1:09 AM, Bruce wrote:
>> He has an opinion for advertising, he did not say he was against gays.
>> People from his generation are traditionalists about things like that.
> What if he had said "that he wouldn't feature mixed race couples in his
> company's commercials because he prefers the "traditional" family"?
His opinion. Evidently is is shared with many other advertisers. How
many *** or mixed race couples do you see in advertisement?
Most business owners have enough sense to keep their mouth shut. I'm
sure you buy many products from companies that you have an opposite
opinion of the CEO but they don't tell you about it.
Kellogg started because his cereal was supposed to lessen the desire for
masturbation. Have you had your corn flakes?
Be sure to read what he wanted to do to girls too. Its at the end.