"Nancy Young" > wrote in message

> On 1/10/2016 2:56 AM, Leonard Blaisdell wrote:
>> In article >, Brooklyn1
>> > wrote:
>>> I bought a NY Power Ball ticket today, the first lottery ticket I've
>>> bought since 1964. It's up to $700,000,000... WTF would I do with
>>> that kind of money?
>> I think I just heard that nobody won. Let's call it a billion next
>> round. My sister in law bought my wife a ticket for her birthday. Alas,
>> no luck.
>> If I had a thousand million dollars, I'd...
> We're talking scary money now. Whoever wins that, if they can't
> keep their identity a secret, it could get ugly for them. $1.3B.
> Everyone is going to want a piece of that.
> nancy
Oh, I don't know, Bill Gates, Mark Zuckenberg, etc. seem to do OK with a lot
more than that.