Ed Pawlowski wrote:
> On 1/10/2016 1:09 AM, Bruce wrote:
>>> He has an opinion for advertising, he did not say he was against gays.
>>> People from his generation are traditionalists about things like that.
>> What if he had said "that he wouldn't feature mixed race couples in his
>> company's commercials because he prefers the "traditional" family"?
> His opinion. Evidently is is shared with many other advertisers. How
> many *** or mixed race couples do you see in advertisement?
> Most business owners have enough sense to keep their mouth shut. I'm
> sure you buy many products from companies that you have an opposite
> opinion of the CEO but they don't tell you about it.
> Kellogg started because his cereal was supposed to lessen the desire for
> masturbation. Have you had your corn flakes?
> http://mentalfloss.com/article/32042...bation-crusade
> Be sure to read what he wanted to do to girls too. Its at the end.
Lol, wither fruit loops...