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Groupkillas Groupkillas is offline
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Posts: 252
Default Well, that was a turnoff

John Kuthe wrote:
> On Sunday, January 10, 2016 at 11:01:02 AM UTC-6, Sqwertz wrote:
>> On 1/9/2016 10:31 AM, Sqwertz wrote:
>>> Kinda like talking to somebody and their eyeball
>>> falls out.
>>> -sw

>> You criminally STALK and ABUSE women, you sick little dwarfy man!
>> Here's what you did when you went all over the Usenet impersonating the
>> well-liked regular named "sf" and posting all her personal data on the
>> net against her will, including her:
>> * home address
>> * age
>> * cell phone number
>> * husband's name
>> etc.
>> YOU did that, you evil *******!
>> And then you had the hubris to actually GLOAT about in public saying:
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> ost
>> >
>> Wed, 25 Nov 2015 21:18:00 -0600
>> MicroPlanet-Gravity/3.0.4

>> She should call the cops. I've already publicly admitted it is me so
>> a conviction should be a piece of cake and then forging would stop.
>> So what's stopping her? I think she suffers from Bovism - she just
>> loves the attention and drama and screw the rest of the group.
>> -sw
>> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> And before that you literally stalked poor Omelet, a local Auustin
>> favorite, right off the Usenet!
>> In your worst moment ever you actually begged her to KILL you:
>> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> >
>> 3/18/2011 3:49 PM
>> Microsoft Internet News 4.70.1162
>> - News for Geeks and ISPs
>> Sorry I don't fit either of your Ideal Psycho Pal Profiles.
>> -sw
>> ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> I'd prefer you use a sniper rifle on me from a few hundred yards away.
>> There you go - a reason for you to buy yet another gun and ammo.
>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Then after having your nose rubbed in your filthy criminal stalking you
>> came back with, not an apology, nor the slightest remorse, just this:
>> "The facebook group is much more pleasant."
>> But we all know that's only because you cower over there in mortal fear
>> of being booted by the FB admins.
>> You're _so done_ here virus, I mean really ****ing done.
>> I'm making you a project like no other, expect a lot more of your evil
>> abuse and hatred to be aired for all to see here.
>> And we both know there's a google archive full of your hatred of women
>> just waiting to be hung out on the virtual clothesline to dry.
>> Enjoy then, you rotten, worthless misogynistic *******!

> You can stop copy/pasting that tripe anytime!!

One can, but as long as that woman-stalker is here one WILL NOT!

> John Kuthe...

Now you need to do some soul-searching and ask yourself, why do you
support a criminal woman-stalker?

What does that say about what and who YOU are?

Think about it.