Power Ball
On Sun, 10 Jan 2016 22:28:06 -0500, Cheryl >
>I played Powerball yesterday for the first time ever. I thought about
>what I'd do with the money and I'd send my niece and nephew to college
>when they graduate HS because right now they don't seem to have much
>chance. I think I'd also donate a ton of it to animal rescue groups. I'd
>also make sure my mom is taken care of with full time help like a
>housekeeper and someone who can help her with things she struggles with
>these days. And finally, I'd retire. Travel. Take my mom on trips that
>she's been missing out on and wants to see before it is too late.
>I think I'll buy a few more chances this week since no one won.
I'd make substantial trusts for the local food bank and the
not-for-profit local hospital specifically for those who fall between
the cracks and cannot pay, and some sort of organization to meet the
many needs of the homeless and the animal shelter. Then I'd set
something up for our children and grandchildren. That would probably
keep an estate planner and an attorney happy for years to come.
For us, a couple of new pickup trucks, some landscaping and definitely
a housekeeper because I really do not like cleaning house.
Janet US