Helpful person wrote:
> On Saturday, January 9, 2016 at 6:40:25 PM UTC-5, cibola de oro wrote:
>> Why?
>> It's a superb magazine.
> I subscribed to Cook's Illustrated shortly after it first started. I liked the way they tested and wrote up their methods. The recipes I tried usually gave excellent results. However, I cancelled the subscription because I couldn't stand their attitude. They considered themselves perfect (probably still do), their method being the only good one. They also slammed several methods which later they had to admit were OK. This "holier than thou" attitude was just too much.
Yet for some reason you reside and post here in Sanctimony Central, the
world's greatest collection of self-righteous, my way or the highway
assholes ever assembled under the pseudonym of one allegedly enjoyable
pass time - COOKING!
The hypocrisy is delicious, you total nutbar!