On Monday, January 11, 2016 at 10:30:41 AM UTC-6, Gary wrote:
> MisterDiddyWahDiddy wrote:
> >
> > I've been eating raw and nearly raw beef since I was a teenager, I'm sure
> > over a thousand times. What was supposed to have happened to me?
> From what google says, eating raw beef for 30+ years will turn you
> against your life-long best friends,
John is a sick ****, and he is the one who picked the fight.
> will turn you hateful and vindictive to most all people.
I'm not hateful and vindictive to *most* people.
> It can also make you very judgemental about what other people eat.
This is a COOKING NG. I'm merely representing standards of decency.
> And in the worst cases, can make you buy
> a *** pink motorscooter to drive vs a nice car.
What is this "***" you are referring to?
> There's more but that's enough for now. ;-D
Oh, do tell.
> HTH!