Thread: Power Ball
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Default Power Ball

On Sun, 10 Jan 2016 22:28:06 -0500, Cheryl >

>On 1/7/2016 8:53 PM, Brooklyn1 wrote:
>> I bought a NY Power Ball ticket today, the first lottery ticket I've
>> bought since 1964. It's up to $700,000,000... WTF would I do with
>> that kind of money? I wouldn't buy a new wardrobe, I definitely
>> wouldn't eat differently, I'd still cook all my own food. I'd
>> probably buy a new vehicle and have a new heated garage built, I could
>> do that now. I wouldn't move somewhere else, I like living here. My
>> life would change very little... okay, I had my hair cut today... I'd
>> probably have my hair cut three times a year instead of just twice,
>> maybe... I really detest having my hair cut. I really don't know what
>> I'd do with all that money. I plan on winning or I'd not have bought
>> a ticket, but I don't imagine my life would change one iota. I've
>> been agonizing all day about what I'd do with all those winnings, but
>> I can't think of anything that would change... I'd still take care of
>> all my cats the same, I'd still feed the birds and all the other
>> critters. I honestly can't think of anything that would change, which
>> means I live like a multi millionaire now. Okay, I may buy a new
>> shower curtain. LOL

>I played Powerball yesterday for the first time ever. I thought about
>what I'd do with the money and I'd send my niece and nephew to college
>when they graduate HS because right now they don't seem to have much
>chance. I think I'd also donate a ton of it to animal rescue groups. I'd
>also make sure my mom is taken care of with full time help like a
>housekeeper and someone who can help her with things she struggles with
>these days. And finally, I'd retire. Travel. Take my mom on trips that
>she's been missing out on and wants to see before it is too late.
>I think I'll buy a few more chances this week since no one won.

Well, I can't do anything for my parents, they are long gone. I
already did for my grands, I already put their names along with mine
on the deed to a million dollar piece of real estate with right of
survivorship, I assume they will outlive me. One says she wants to be
a Veterinarian, I'd be honored to pay for her education... but right
now she's raising chickens, things can change.
I don't believe I'll win but I'll still buy a couple of tickets... if
I do win the joke will be on me, my life wouldn't change one iota...
I'd still dress exactly the same in old farmer clothes suitable for
walking muddy fields, I'd still eat exactly the same cooking for
myself... I might buy a new vehicle, if I can find one better than my
1990 Landcruiser that has never failed me... maybe I'd buy my old
trusty Landcruiser a new heated garage for its old age. Okay, my
house needs new oversize gutters and downspouts which I've been
planning on for this spring... is that in the Billion $ range? For
lunch today I had a salami sandwhich, even with a Billion $ I'd still
have the same lunch tomorrow. Tonight's dinner is rice and black
beans with left over pork chops and frozen spinach, a Billion $
wouldn't make me change my menu. Buying Lottery tickets for me is
sort of a joke but I intend to buy two Quick Picks, just so if I win I
can rub it in all your faces and not change my life one iota.