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Happy New Year
On 1/11/2016 10:28 AM, John Kuthe wrote:
> On Monday, January 11, 2016 at 2:19:24 PM UTC-6, dsi1 wrote:
>> On Sunday, January 10, 2016 at 11:57:19 AM UTC-10, Xeno wrote:
>>> On 11/01/2016 6:45 AM, Nancy Young wrote:
>>>> On 1/10/2016 1:21 PM, Janet wrote:
>>>>> Nancy wrote
>>>>>>> They need to teach personal finance in the schools.
>>>>> I went to an all-girls High school in a small rural town in England
>>>>> in the late 50's early 60's, and that's exactly what they did. It was
>>>>> rather unusual then and I don't think it's done now.
>>>> Just seems to me it's one of the most helpful skills you could
>>>> teach someone that will serve them well in life.
>>>> I had economics, of course, stocks and GNP, etc, this subject seems
>>>> like it would have been a natural extension.
>>>>> Disguised as the Arithmetic part of Maths, we were taught how to
>>>>> budget household accounts, how to calculate simple and compound interest
>>>>> on mortgage loans, how to fill in income tax returns, subtract every
>>>>> possible tax-free allowance and calculate the tax due: and how to fill
>>>>> in a cheque.
>>>> Awesome.
>>>>> Of course,at the time we thought it was duller than dust :-)
>>>> Right? I bet. But you remembered.
>>>> The best lesson I've heard anyone give was a friend of a friend
>>>> who taught high school in a low income area. The kids seemed to
>>>> think they wanted to just drop out. What will you do then? Get
>>>> a job at McDonald's, get an apartment and a car.
>>>> So she wrote her salary on the board. Her taxes. Her rent.
>>>> You get the idea. The students were shocked. That's what I call
>>>> a lesson.
>>>> nancy
>>> When you're a kid, a McDonalds job seems to pay a lot of money. Kids
>>> don't think about all the paying out that they need to do.
>>> The best teachers are those who can motivate their students to learn.
>>> --
>>> Xeno
>> Kids don't need to be motivated to learn. They are programmed to learn about the world around them when they are born. By the time they are around 10 or so they start learning that school sucks. By the time they are in high school, they pretty much hate the education they've had. The job of the teacher is not to quash the young mind's thirst for knowledge.
> I knew school, was gonna suck my first day of Kindergarten! I knew my teacher's name was "Mrs. Woods" but had yet to meet Mrs Woods. So on the first day of Kindergarten there was the usual melee of children in the room, and I was standing next to the big desk in the front of the room assuming this is where I'd meet this "Mrs. Woods", my teacher, and trhis older woman whom I didn't know admionished me and told me "Don't play with that, it's Mrs. Woods' pencil sharpener" and my first though was "Then where is Mrs. Woods?".
> It was all downhill after that! I was not accustomed to being spoken to in third person references!! Like a child. :-(
> John Kuthe...
You should have checked in the broom closet.